Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Week 13: Alternate Assignment

If you opt not to attend the IGDA meeting, please complete the short assignment below today 4/27/10 and email it to me.

  • Last week's homework reading selected by Mr. Medina examined the rise and fall of sprite quality of several classic 2D sprite characters. 
  • In just a few sentences, what are some of the characteristic differences between good sprites and sloppy/bad sprites? (Tell me "what went wrong" with the later development of some of those 2D sprites.)
  • This is in place of the quiz and so I will decline any late work for this assignment. Also, in fairness, this is not available as extra credit if you also attend the IGDA meeting.
  • Please email your response to me today, 4/27/10.
There is no homework assignment for this week.

Prep for next week:
Next class will be 5/4/10 on Usability in UI. Please have your skinned mockup assignment available online for easy access in class, as we will be doing an in-class activity with usability testing them.