Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Week 11: Implementation

Starter files and in-class activity guide located in the repository.

  1. Ben Fry & Casey Reas "Getting Started with Processing" - http://processing.org/learning/gettingstarted/
  2. Wiki: "Polling (computer science)" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polling_%28computer_science%29
  3. Wiki: "Event-Driven Programming" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Event-driven_programming
Homework: Implementation Project
  1. Download the starter file from the repository. This file has a simple simulation running of a bouncing ball. 
  2. Create at least two displays of data in this file, describing interesting data that is changing. Examples of data you could show: 
    • The current location (x,y) of the ball
    • The direction of the ball as a vector
    • The current angle of the ball
    • The color of the ball
    • The number of times the ball has bounced
    • The total distance that the ball has traveled while the simulation has been running.
    • and so on...
  3. For your font to display, use either your font from your style guide, or another font that we did not use in the class activities. (You will need to create your own font using the Sketchbook.)
  4. Create a text file in your script folder called writeup.txt . Give me a short writeup of your experience with this project answering these questions:
    1. What was easy?
    2. What was difficult? 
    3. What was new to you? 
    4. What was most interesting / enjoyable? 
    5. What would you change or do differently if you were to redo this project?
  5. Pack your final script folder up as a zip file. Be sure to put YOUR NAME in the zip file name. (I will dock you for this! Easy points! Do it!!!) 
  6. Post a link to your zip in this blog post. 
  7. I will be running your project from the code, not from any exported files. Your code must compile and run. 
  8. OPTIONAL because your brain just wants a challenge / an interesting portfolio piece: 
    • add user interface controls to your project such as a slider to change colors or speed
    • create multiple balls and have them reflect off of each other / improve the bounce physics and create interesting data display
    • investigate other ways to show data visually in the simulation beyond text 
  1. Dan Chudnov - video on learning to code with processing http://vimeo.com/1031578


    1. My Project is Here

      If the above link doesnt work here is the link you can copy and paste:


    2. here is my Implementation Assignment. Just click on the Implementaion Assignment link at the bottome of the list.

    3. https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_IDk0YyUuGaYmY4NDcwNmEtZjFmNy00NjkwLTg1NzktY2ZkYmY3ZTkyNTUy&hl=en

    4. Here is my Processing assignment. Thank you.

      Processing Assignment

    5. here is my link Brit sorry for not uploading to Google docs


    6. http://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1rfBixgAZ-bY2Q2NzJmMjctNzUzMS00YjVlLWEwZmMtMTA4YWIzMGJiOTA4&hl=en
