Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Week 14: Heuristics & Usability

Lecture slides are in the repository.

Final Exam is next week. Study up! This will cover the entire course. 


Usability Project:
  1. Fill in the Critiques document in the repository: summarize what your classmates said, and describe your thoughts and plans for the revision.
  2. Revise your screen mockup based on the feedback.
    • This does NOT mean rebuild your entire screen; this means make an update based on feedback to improve the usability of what you have started. 
  3. Post your critiques document and your updated mockup to the blog. 


  1. The "10 Heuristics" link is broken. The correct link is here.

  2. I'm currently attempting to upload my work, but google docs keeps telling me "server rejected" and won't allow me to upload anything. In the mean time I will email you my files.

    Thank you.

  3. My usability project can be found here.

  4. http://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_IDk0YyUuGaMWM2ZThkODgtODU5MC00NjE1LTlmODMtNDRiMTg3MDE2ZGIw&hl=en

  5. http://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1rfBixgAZ-bYjFhZjBjY2YtM2EyYy00NmY1LWE1YmEtODIxMjJkZjU0Yjlh&hl=en
